When it comes to men’s fashion, usually the first thing that comes to mind is suits. While we thoroughly support an ample supply of crisp suits that you can put on at a moment’s notice, the summer weather begs to show a little skin and sport a casual, fun style. While the trends throughout the decades have certainly had their shining moments, the summer of 2014 for men’s fashion is doing away with popular fashion mistakes for good.
5 Men’s Fashion Mistakes Not to Make This Summer
1. Cargo Shorts
Popular in the 90s, the cargo shorts could fit anything from your Walkman to a small child. This unfortunate article of clothing does absolutely nothing for your body as they fit poorly and the big pockets cause extreme sagging. Trade in the cargo shorts for a slim-fitting pair that fits more like your favorite pair of jeans. Shoot for a straight line from hip to hem that come down to about an inch or two above the knee. Continue reading →
Fashion and style have always been associated with women, but now it’s becoming more common for the average man to be fashion conscious, too. Men are changing their attitude toward their clothing choices and it shows; many men are now swapping out their basketball shorts and t-shirts for khakis and bow ties. There will always be a time and place for casual attire, however, it’s no longer appropriate for every circumstance. It’s important for men to look great for every occasion and the best way of doing that is to develop their own style. Here are a few tips to help him create a fashionable style.
1. Listen To The Experts – If you’re having trouble figuring out your style, a good place to start is to take advice from the experts. Too many men rely on their mothers, girlfriends or wives to tell them what looks good, leaving them with no sense of style on their own. Instead, men end up adopting the style their significant other or family member wants them to have. In order to really develop your own look, listen to the experts. Pick up a copy of a men’s fashion magazine like GQ or check out a blog such as MaleStandard.com for ideas and tips. After reading a few articles and checking out the photos you’ll be able to see which looks you may want to try out.
2. Keep It Simple – You want a wardrobe that looks great on you but isn’t over done. Don’t dress like a rock star just because that’s what’s trending at the moment. If you want the flashy look, think simpler but stylish. Try sporting a black striped dress shirt with a white blazer, dark jeans, a unique belt and a pair of stylish shoes. Also, don’t overdo it with jewelry or accessories. Remember less is more; try a flashy watch but nothing else.
3. Simple Doesn’t Mean Boring – There’s a reason black and white paired together is classic; they are simple colors but they make a perfect contrast to each other. Try combining the two with a few textures to liven it up. Consider pairing a white shirt, black tie, tweed hunting jacket and jeans together for a casual look.
4. Mix It Up – One of the things that make iconic fashion designer Ralph Lauren’s style classic yet modern is his ability to mix and match patterns and textures. Don’t be afraid to play with your style. Try pairing a check vest with a stripped dress shirt and even add an animal tie. Just be sure you’re using colors that mesh well together.
5. Don’t Shop Alone – We all know women love to shop in groups; it gives them time to bond and help each other pick out the “right” outfit. Men, however, tend to shop alone. Shopping by yourself could put you at a disadvantage because, while it may seem easier, shopping alone as a man makes you a prime target for a sales people. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if they really feel an outfit suits you or if they’re just saying that to get you to buy the piece so they can make a good commission.
Finally, the best way to find your own fashion style is to experiment with clothes. You need to think outside of your comfort zone and try different types of outfits on to see what might look good on you. So many men are afraid to express themselves through fashion and it holds them back. The truth is once you start trying on different options, you’ll see it’s not only fun, but it could attract that special girl you’ve had your eye on!
CLEVERFIT is the world’s first precision fit adjustable collar stay. It’s unique patent pending design provides an innovative solution to end decades of frustration. Click here to contact us and check out our video to more about CLEVERFIT.
Photo Credit: The Smart Stylist
CLEVERFIT was recently featured on In Stash.
“The CleverFit Collar Stay fixes a problem yours truly never even knew existed. (Of course, that’s because I wear shorts and a T-shirt most every day.) If you have had to dress up for much of your career, then you know how annoying it can be once those dress shirt collars start to flip at the tip or bow in. What you need to combat the problem is a dependable collar stay that keeps your collar looking stiff and perfect.” Click here to read the full article.
CLEVERFIT was recently featured on the Gear Hungry website.
“We were done with those flimsy plastic collar stays before we ever owned a dress shirt, but unfortunately our existing metal collar stays aren’t really compatible with every collar (mostly, they’re too short for some). Problem solved with Cleverfit, the first precision sized collar stays. Cleverfit adjusts to your desired size on the fly in seconds, extending up to nearly twice its collapsed length to accommodate collars of various sizes to keep them perfectly crisp and rigid.” Click here to read the full article.
Steel Bones Resizeable CLEVERFIT for Collars
CLEVERFIT was featured on the Russian website, Tracer. “If you do not wear business attire, and are not wearing dress shirts, then you need not read further. But if you feel more comfortable in a suit than in sweat pants, then you can appreciate CLEVERFIT.” Click here to read the full article.
CLEVERFIT was recently featured on Mike Shouts, a male-centric blog.
“If looking sharp in formal attire ranks high among your everyday must-do list, then the CLEVERFIT Adjustable Collar Stay is the must-have accessory to keep your shirt’s collars from being the point of a fashion disaster. slot in a plastic items and you know you are putting your style in a Russian roulette – you never know how long it will hold; sure, there’s the metal ones, but ask yourself this: can it fit all of your shirts? we doubt so. so basically, flimsiness and compatibility are big issues that comes between you and looking sharp. with the CLEVERFIT Adjustable Collar Stay, you will never have to worry about those two issues; firstly, it is of stainless steel to give the rigidness that a collar stay needs, and secondly, it is adjustable to fit nearly any collar sizes you can imagine. the latter is an ingenious solution that replaces the many collar stays that you own with just a set (or maybe two, just in case you misplace a set). it can be adjusted to accommodate any collar size in seconds and extendable to almost double of its original retracted length to fit even the biggest collar size, keeping them neat and sharp.” Click here to read the full article.
Sherif Zaki
Sherif Zaki is an engineer, businessman and entrepreneur who simply got tired of dealing with the hassles of keeping up with numerous mismatched and poorly fitting collar stays. So, he created CLEVERFIT Collar Stays after an “Aha!” moment five years ago while crawling around collecting a stack of collar stays that had fallen on the floor. On September 12, 2013 Sherif was interviewed on the Real Talk with Lee program on BlogTalk Radio. The show is hosted by Lee Avent. Check out the interview here.
CLEVERFIT, The Adjustable Collar Stay, was featured on The Lifestyle Elite on September 16th, 2013.
“With the purchase of a good quality shirt, you may find the hardest thing to do is to keep the collar stays for each shirt, or just to keep your collar tact through out the day. That is until we met our new friends at CLEVERFIT. The CLEVERFIT is the world’s first precision fit adjustable collar stay. Its unique patent pending design provides an innovative solution to end decades of frustration. Their quick-sizing capability eliminates the need for keeping up with multiple sets of fixed length stays. “ Click here to read the full article.
Collar stays are like cufflinks and button studs: small, subtle accessories that a man can use to take his look from good to great. I recently tried the Cleverfit adjustable collar stays, a recent Kickstarter project that successfully raised over $48,000. That’s not too shabby for some collar stays. The Cleverfit PR team reached out to me and asked me if I was interested in writing a review of these collar stays. I like testing stuff like this, so I said sure.
What makes these unique is that they are adjustable in size, which means they will fit (basically) any size collar out there. Click here to read the rest of the article.
CLEVERFIT is the world’s first set of precision fit adjustable collar stays. It’s unique patent pending design provides an innovative solution to end decades of frustration. And now you can win your very own set! All you have to do is like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/cleverfitstay.
Why do you want to win a set of CLEVERFIT Collar Stays? Let us know in the comments below!
Because unlike plastic collar stays that are precut for every dress shirt you buy, come in all different shapes and sizes, are flimsy, and easily distorted, CLEVERFIT’s quick-sizing capability eliminates the need for keeping up with multiple sets of fixed length stays. They are precision crafted in stainless steel, providing a superior alternative to plastic collar stays that easily warp and break.
Check out CLEVERFIT’s “How To” video to learn more about these brilliant collar stays. And like our Facebook page for your chance to win!